The Master Stroke
"The quality, content, and superior instruction are astonishing in these professional Master Stroke DVD Tutorial series. They should be considered the bible for all lime mortar applicators-amateurs and professionals alike."
Michel Couvreux: President – TransMineral Inc, USA
"These DVD’s are based on the experience of nearly 15 years of weekly delivery of training I have been involved with at the Lime Centre and at virtually every level of conference, BLF gathering, seminars and are informed by site visits looking at defects and poor workmanship. In essence they cover at the ground level what most if not all of the home owners, Architects and professional builders consistently misunderstand or fail to appreciate."
Douglas Johnston: Technical Advisor for St Astier Lime
"Haynes Manuals are well know for their Step-By-Step photo features that clearly explain how to carry out repair and maintenance work. For the forthcoming Haynes Period Property Manual we were looking for technical images to illustrate how to use traditional lime mortars, plasters and renders. The Master Stroke DVD Series is the ideal partner for a book of this type. Studio Scotland came up trumps with a selection of good quality images from the series. As a chartered surveyor I found the DVD series very useful. For anyone carrying out repair work or maintetance to old buildings, an hour or so's viewing before starting the job would be time well spent."
Ian Rock MRICS: Author – Haynes Period Property Manual
"The DVDs are fantastic, of great quality and will be of great use at the expo in Sydney and for our training courses in association with the Master Builders Association and the Construction Industry Training Board."
Keith McAllister: Dir – Heritage Stone Restorations PTY Ltd, Australia
"The Masterstroke DVD tutorial series is an essential companion for anyone looking to tackle a lime working project for the first time, providing clear and informative guidance to the viewer and building confidence in the use of a wide variety of lime based products”
Stuart Johnston: Managing Director, Masons Mortar Ltd, Scotland
To see a review by Jeff Ruppert, owner of a building design and engineering firm, click here.