The LampLight Project
Study Guide

Because The Lamplight Project has been made for Bible study, we have provided a free downloadable interactive study guide. As of February 2019 we updated The Lamplight Project to Version 2 due to the addition of a notable Bible scholar (only available in HD digital download). In conjunction with this update, we have released version 4.0 of the Study Guide.
As the guide becomes more widely used, user feedback will help to develop this powerful tool. We will notify you and provide free updates as and when they are produced. Please note you can download the complete interactive guide via the link above or individual sections for ease of printing by clicking on the links below.
01-Introduction incl Cover & Index
01-Introduction - no cover 02-Chance or Design
03-Intelligent Design/Creation 04-Biblical Roots 05-The OT 06-Jesus Christ & The Gospel 07-The NT 08-What is a Christian? 09-Angels & Demons 10-Spiritual Warnings 11-Interpretation & The Early Church 12-End of The Age-Eschatology

Developed in 2016 and utilised in Bible collages, prisons, rehabilitation units, the military and many church and home study environments around the world. This exciting series is also supported by a website library with over 1,000 studio interviews covering some of the most deeply asked questions regarding the meaning of life.