The LampLight Project
The following contributors were chosen for their specific area of expertise and asked questions in regard to their own specialist field of knowledge. While individuals may have differing viewpoints from each other in regard to certain areas of biblical subject matter, each contributor believes the Bible to contain the Word of God and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Presenter: Stewart Menelaws
Managing Director of the award winning Studio Scotland film production company. With over 35 years international experience in the world of multimedia, Stewart has been creating films, documentaries and a whole host of projects for both the secular and Christian world. Stewart has been researching Biblical topics since the late 80s and his recent works include the popular TV documentary The Daniel Project and the feature film The Daniel CONNECTION. The Lamplight Project is a culmination of many years research into a wide range of Biblical topics. Stewart also conducts Men's Bible Study and discipleship groups.

Astronomy: Prof Danny Faulkner
Prof Danny R. Faulkner earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and taught at the University of South Carolina Lancaster for over 26 years. Prof Faulkner is a member of the Creation Research Society and also serves as the editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. He has written more than a hundred papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals, and is author of Universe by Design and The New Astronomy Book.

Engineering Science: Prof Stephen Taylor
Stephen Taylor is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and also of the IEE, and has published over 280 papers in open scientific literature. He is currently head of the Mass Spectrometry Research Group in the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Liverpool and was awarded a DSc for his work in portable mass spectrometry in 2013. He holds seven patents and is founder and director of a university spin-out company in this technical area.
Engineering Science: Prof Andy McIntosh
Andy McIntosh DSc, FIMA, C.Math, FInstE, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM, FRAeS is a visiting research professor in Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory. A Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics / Applications, Institute of Energy, Institute of Physics, and the RAS. A chartered mathematician and engineer, author of over 180 papers and articles, his research has been in combustion in fluids and solids. In the last ten years he has been involved in research in the area of biomimetics. This research was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology.
Theology & Religion: Dr Darrell Bock
Dr Darrell Bock (BA, ThM, PhD) is the Exec Dir of Cultural Engagement & Sen Research Prof of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and author of over 40 books, including commentaries on Luke and Acts and studies of the historical Jesus. A New York Times best-selling author, consulting editor for Christianity Today and elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church (Dallas, TX), Dr Bock serves on the boards of Wheaton College and Chosen People Ministries.
Theology & Religion: Prof Siam Bhayro
Siam Bhayro is Associate Professor in Early Jewish Studies in the Dept of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter. He graduated from University College London with a First Class Honours degree in Hebrew and later gained a PhD from the same institution. Before assuming his position in Exeter, he worked as a researcher at Cambridge and Sheffield and taught at UCL and Yale.
Theology & Religion: Dr Peter Williams
Dr Peter Williams is a Research Fellow in the Old Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge. Formerly an affiliated Lecturer in Hebrew and Aramaic, at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge. Peter is currently Warden at Tyndale House, Cambridge and Affiliated Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and is Chair of the International Greek New Testament Project and a Member of the Translation Committee of the English Standard Version of the Bible. His current projects are the early translations of the Bible and the Codex Climaci Rescriptus.
Medical: Dr Nagy Iskander
MBBch , FRCS (London) FRCS (Glasgow). Dr Iskander is a medical doctor and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England who has practised surgery in the UK for over twenty five years. Nagy has presently been devoting his time to the education of Biblical Creation & Science, he has presented television programs such as Creation Answers, Creation under the Microscope and the Beginnings. Dr Iskander conducts conferences on the topic of Biblical Creation for the Arabic speaking world.
Biblical Archaeology: Dr Paul Lawrence
Paul Lawrence studied Akkadian, Hebrew and Near Eastern archaeology at the University of Liverpool where he earned his PhD for his work on the relationship of Assyrian generals to the king. In 1984 he worked in northern Iraq on an archaeological dig by the banks of the Tigris River just north of ancient Nineveh. He also worked for several years with the Turkish Bible Society in Istanbul on a translation of the Old Testament into modern Turkish. He is currently working on Bible translations for SIL International and is the author of The Books of Moses Revisited.
Answers in Genesis: Steve Ham
Steve Ham serves as Senior Director of Outreach for ‘Answers in Genesis’, overseeing all conference and speaking ministries. As well as speaking, Steve has also authored various materials including many articles, books and curriculum. These include In God We Trust, Why Biblical Authority Matters for Every Believer and other works, including the popular curriculum on creation evangelism entitled Answers for Life. Steve’s heart for the gospel, evangelism and missions is a prominent feature in his presentation of Creation apologetics and Biblical Authority messages.
Spiritual Researcher: Deborah Menelaws
Deborah is MD of Bethel Communications and head of production at Studio Scotland and has worked in radio, TV and film since starting as a child actor with 20th Century Fox. Having researched Biblical topics since the mid 80s, her works include Cup of Trembling - Countdown to Armageddon, the Sound the Alarm and Watchman DVD series, The Daniel Project for TV, The Daniel CONNECTION movie and now The Lamplight Project supporting her husband Stewart. Formerly with a ‘New Age’ background, Deborah is a writer, conference speaker and researcher helping to bring understanding about the dangers of occult spiritual practices entering the Church. Deborah also hosts Bible study groups for Christian women around the world.

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