The Daniel Project
Each of the following people appearing in The Daniel Project has been chosen for their expertise in a particular area of relevance. Their views are their own and may not be in agreement with each other or the views held by the producers of this documentary.
Archaeologist: Dr Asher Altshul
Born in the USA, Dr Asher Altshul has been in Israel for almost 20 Years. He has a degree in archaeology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
In addition, Dr Altshul is an ordained rabbi by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and recognised as one of the world's leading experts on the City of Jerusalem. As an expert guide, Dr Altshul was also involved in creating the Dead Sea Scroll project The Orian Virtual Qumran Tour for the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies.
Liturgist and Midrash Scholar: Rabbi Dr Dahlia Marx
Rabbi Dr. Dalia Marx was born in Jerusalem. She received her B.A. Summa cum Laude and her M.A. Magna cum Laude from the Hebrew University. Dr Marx is a graduate of the Israeli Rabbinic program at HUC-JIR and spent her senior year of rabbinic studies in Cincinnati and was ordained there in 2003.
Dr Marx received her Ph.D. in Jewish Liturgy from the Hebrew University. Her dissertation deals with the early morning ritual in Jewish liturgy.
Reachout Trust: Doug Harris
Reachout Trust produces information regarding religions and other life-stance groups. The late and former director of the Trust, Doug Harris, wrote about various influential Christian figures (such as televangelists and authors) and various groups within non-evangelical Christianity.
Reachout Trust continues to communicate perceived dangers of those groups' beliefs and/or practices to the evangelical Christian community and presents the Christian gospel from an evangelical perspective to members of those groups.
Economist and Trend Analyst: Jonathan Sieff
Jonathan Sieff is an economist and entrepreneur. He was CEO of Principle Capital, an emerging markets investment house, from 2008 to 2010. As CEO of Close Brothers' Asset Management business from 2003 to 2008, he oversaw £27billon of assets across a range of multi-asset class investments, fund and trust administration assets, custody and banking assets.
Prior to this, Jonathan worked for Old Mutual and was Joint Chief Executive of Fairbairn Private Bank and a director of Gerrard Limited. He has also worked in corporate finance at HSBC Investment Bank in London.
British American Security Information Council: Paul Ingram
Paul Ingram studies Iran and nuclear nonproliferation. He is the executive director of the British American Security Information Council in London, developing BASIC’s long-term strategy to achieve global nuclear disarmament and coordinating operations in London and Washington.
Special fields include: global nuclear disarmament strategies and agendas, US and UK nuclear weapons decisions, NATO’s nuclear posture, Iran’s nuclear programme and diplomatic attempts to control it.
no2id: Phil Booth
Privacy campaigner and national coordinator of no2id, a single-issue group focussed on the threat to liberty and privacy posed by the rapid growth of the database state, of which "ID cards" were the most visible part.
Entirely independent, no2id do not endorse any party or campaign on any other topic. Their aim is to publicise the case against state control of personal identity among the general public, in the media and at every level in government.
The Temple Institute, Jerusalem: Rabbi Yehudah Glick
The Temple Institute is dedicated to every aspect of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, and the central role it fulfilled, and will once again fulfill, in the spiritual wellbeing of both Israel and all the nations of the world.
The Institute's activities include education, research, and development. The Temple Institute's ultimate goal is to see Israel rebuild the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, in accord with the Biblical commandments.
Lecturer in Early Jewish Studies: Prof Siam Bhayro
As Lecturer in Early Jewish Studies, Dept of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter, Prof Bhayro’s main credentials are:
Graduated with First Class Honours degree in Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London and later a PhD; Worked on the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, University of Sheffield; Served as Lector of Semitic Languages, Dept of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Yale University; Research Assoc at Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, University of Cambridge.
Agriculture, Negev Desert, Israel: Uri Yogev
Based in the Negev Desert, Uri Yogev is involved in agricultural research. The Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), the research arm of Israel's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is responsible for most of the agricultural research conducted in Israel.
This research aims to improve existing agricultural production systems and to introduce new products, processes and equipment, thereby ensuring the basis of Israel's future agriculture.
Expositor: James Prasch
Although he was born in New York to Roman Catholic parents, Prasch became an atheist who decided to try and prove the Bible was false.
After reading what was written in it he joined a couple of pseudo Christian cults who were interested in 'the end times' until Prasch himself eventually became convinced that Bible prophecy is true having now studied the subject in depth.
He married a Romanian Jewish girl he met in Israel, changed his name to Jacob and now lives in England - unable to prove that anything in The Bible is false!
Transatlantic & Caucasus Studies Institute: Ziba Norman
Founder and director of the British Transatlantic Institute in London. The Transatlantic & Caucasus Studies Institute was established as a charity in 2004, with the intention of opening up genuinely non-partisan debate on pressing geopolitical issues.
Ziba Norman was educated at the University of California San Diego, where she obtained a BA in English literature, followed by two years as a doctoral student and lecturer. She later trained as a lawyer working in London.
Voice / Actor / Presenter: Jeremy Hitchen
Noted mostly for his many voices for Gerry Anderson including Dr. 'Tiger' Ninestein of Terrahawks and Captain Magenta in Captain Scarlet as well as working as radio host in Spain, Jeremy has worked on numerous projects with Studio Scotland.
Television appearances include the 2003 documentary, Revisiting the Future, the 2007 tv mini-series - Stand by for Action and a prison officer in Life Gets You Down. Today, Jeremy features in a number of British TV productions.