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1-Weekend Show 2-Lamplight Fellowship 3-Discipleship Checklist 4-Crown of Life 5-Shepherds Corner 6-Apologetics 7-Archaeology 8-Dinosaurs
9-Creation or Evolution 10-Science 11-Genetics 12-Geology 13-Astronomy 14-End Times 15-Faith Groups 16-Angels & UFOs 17-Spiritual Deception
18-The Bible 19-Parables 20-Jewish Feasts 21-Ethics 22-The Daniel Project 23-The Daniel Connection 24-Jesus Film 25-Focus on Israel
Latest News – 2025
As we begin a new year there are ever more challenges facing people today and our role here at Global Vision TV is to continue to bring high quality interviews and expert panels discussing a wide range of Biblical topics.
We would like to welcome visitors old and new to our revamped Global Vision TV network which combines easy access to our parent site and our free YouTube platform.
Click the red YouTube Platform button above to go straight there - or select from any of the 26 channel links above to find out more about it.
As always, we welcome your feedback on this new platform and please let us know if you are having any difficulty accessing content, if something is not working for you or doesn't look correct.

A warm welcome to Gideon Levytam
As joint founder of The Holy Scriptures and Israel Bible Society of Canada, Gideon Levytam is a much welcomed addition to the Global Vision speaker list. Gideon is an Israeli born Jew, who’s Bible classes and radio programmes in Toronto have been reaching out to the Jewish people since the 1980s. His family were among the dispersed Jews who returned to the land of Israel in the late 1800s. Gideon will be presenting a series of programmes on The Parables of Jesus Christ which can be viewed, as they are published, on The Parables Channel.
Gideon also features as one of the speakers on the international Discussion Panel on ch1 The Weekend Prog.

Global Vision TV is very pleased to welcome Dr Darrell Bock to the speaker's team. Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (USA), Dr Bock brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Global Vision and its visitors, having written over forty books and many more articles that have appeared in leading publications. He is also a New York Times best-selling author, consulting editor for Christianity Today, elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church (Dallas, TX) and serves on the boards of Wheaton College and Chosen People Ministries.

Global Vision TV is excited to announce that The Spirit of Discovery production (produced for the organisation Truth in Science) was awarded ‘Best Educational Documentary’ by the CMA. The project focuses on critical thinking in the science classroom. Part dramatisation, filming involved 20 actors on location in the South of England and interviews with scientists from a number of countries covering a wide range of topics and is available from our shop. A special cut of the project has been sent to over 7500 educational departments throughout the UK & Ireland.
Friday Feature
Global Vision TV features a short 'Message for the week' film every Friday, which is released aongside 'The Weekend Prog'. With 26 channels plus Specials - from Archaeology to Spiritual Deception, Apologetics to Dinosaurs and around 1,000 short and long format films with answers and advice from a Biblical perspective, you will be encouraged, taught, warned, edified - and even entertained!
What is Global Vision TV aka GV247?
We live in an age of accelerating technology and knowledge, yet... mankind continues to cheat, rob, kill and destroy his fellow man. In a world of social media information overload, making informed decisions about what we believe and act upon has never been more important.
There are those who claim that the Christian Bible holds the answers to the meaning of life and the uncertainties that face individuals every day. Global Vision TV has interviewed a wide selection of compelling experts on biblical topics with the aim to provide a free viewing / listening resource. Choose from a wide selection of short and long form films which explore many of the most common questions asked today.
Who is Global Vision TV - and their Finances?
This digital network has always been funded by 'tent makers' Stewart and Deborah Menelaws of Studio Scotland, the latter working as Head of Production and who has never taken any salary, pay or benefits in order to help keep this network running - including the production of other Biblical programmes and films - as we look to the Lord's gracious provision.
At the request of those who have asked us, we have now added a ‘Donate’ button. Any donations go towards the enormous running costs of Global Vision TV and you can use the button below should The Lord lead you that way but be sure that you have prayed first! Thanking you in advance!
New Channels & Programmes!
- We have been working on our evangelism channels and have launched 'Can I be Saved?' which is in Beta test mode at the moment. We can provide little stickers to go on the back of your Global Vision TV cards or on any other tracts etc that you use. They have an easy link to the channel which answers the questions seekers ask... Much prayer required for this and we'll update you when it's finished!
- We launched ch25 Focus on Israel in 2020 with the kind support and participation of the Israeli Embassy in London and the Centre for Scotland & Israel relations...
- and also ch26 Persecution & Martyrdom in 2022 working alongside Tim Osmond of Help the Persecuted from 2023.
- ch3 The Discipleship Checklist is a new channel to compliment The Lamplight Fellowship series with short weekly programmes (presented by Stewart Menelaws) that explore the steps of discipleship (learning, understanding and applying the Word of God to an individual's life). In the first episode, "What is a disciple?" is examined.
- We have recently completed over 200 New Films! Both long and short form studio interviews with experts covering a wide range of Biblical topics. Recent additions have been the Dinosaur and Geology channels - Enjoy!
- ch1 The Weekend Prog, our 30 minute weekly programme broadcasting on Fridays, continues to grow in length as much as anything else as we develop its layout. The latest version includes an international End of Days Discussion Panel including pastors and teachers who discuss and advise in all areas of Bible Study and theology - from error to fear to encouragement.
- The 12 part series The LampLight Project, a powerful multimedia presentation of The Bible covering 'Origins' to 'The Return of Christ' is at the heart of a weekly zoom teaching group of men from all around the world who meet weekly for deep Bible Study, training and discipleship - with good fellowship and loving prayer support alongside - no matter how long they have been on the road! Join us and together we will encourage each other to run the race.
Join us on Facebook - Tell a friend:
Please join us by subscribing here and also on Facebook. Global Vision TV was developed to be a free resource but we need your support to help us continue to update this multi media platform that you can share on mobile phones or watch on full screen HD in larger groups and gatherings. All you need to do is “Like” and share with your friends.
Global Vision TV Business Cards & Leaflets:
We are now providing GV247.tv cards and leaflets to help with promotion and outreach. If you come across someone looking for answers to the world we live in or need answers to biblical questions – just hand them a card. They are good quality and expensive to print so we need to charge for them or we can send you the artwork and spec to take to your own printer. Visit Shop.
Can I contact Global Vision TV?
Yes please! We love to hear from you so drop us an email and / or Subscribe Choose the subscribe button on the menu and fill in the short form and you will be added to our secure database of supporters – it’s all free of charge. We will keep you updated with a quarterly newsletter and any important announcements. You can also email us directly and we will reply asap. Click here
Legal Statement:
GV247.tv – Global Vision TV - is a free media resource which looks at global issues from a Biblical perspective. Whilst it does not support or promote any single religious organisation or group, the programmes look at what is known as Biblical Christianity.
The views expressed by speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Global Vision TV. Whilst the network believes in freedom of speech, it will not support the use of slanderous statements, unsupported accusation and or defamatory remarks aimed at people of other religious faiths and beliefs.
All material on this website, including every video/audio clip has been created by and / or is licensed to GV247.tv (The Global Vision Channel) aka Global Vision TV which is owned by Studio Scotland Ltd. Copyright – All rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, malign or disaffect any part of this website / internet TV channel and its parts.
Privacy Policy:
Global Vision TV - GV247.tv (The Global Vision Channel) takes site user information very seriously and will never store this data without the explicit permission of the data owner and will never share it with a third party. For more information about why and how we store this data, please see our complete Privacy Policy by clicking here.
A speaker, writer and researcher for Answers in Genesis, Bodie Hodge has a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Having conducted research for his master’s degree through a grant from Lockheed Martin, he developed a new method of material production for use in nanotechnologies.

Speakers on Global Vision TV
Just some of the many speakers who are featured on Global Vision TV - each of them an expert in their own field of research - and many of them becoming our lifelong friends.
Dr Darrell Bock (BA, ThM, PhD) is the Exec Dir of Cultural Engagement & Sen Research Prof of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and author of over 40 books, including commentaries on Luke and Acts and studies of the historical Jesus.

Dr Fruchtenbaum is a highly acclaimed author, lecturer and director of “Ariel Ministries” as well as a respected theologian who travels widely, teaching biblical exposition from a Jewish perspective.

Born in Jerusalem - Israel, Gideon Levytam is president of ‘The Holy Scriptures and Israel Bible Society of Canada' and teaches from a first century Hebrew Messianic perspective. His passion is to share the Good News of The Gospel of Messiah.

Doug Harris was founder of 'Reachout Trust', author of several books and a respected researcher of over 25 years. Doug was an old friend of Deborah and Stewart for nearly 30 years and went to be with The Lord in 2013. These short films are a tribute to a sincere man.

Co-founder of 'Jeremiah Films' - Indian born Caryl brings a wealth of experience on far eastern religious practice and the influences it has had on Christendom. Caryl went to be with The Lord in 2016 and as a friend of Deborah's is sorely missed.

Dr Terry Mortenson holds an MDiv and a PhD in the history of geology. He has lectured in over 25 countries and formerly served for 26 years with Campus Crusade for Christ in the United States and in Eastern Europe. He now serves as an author, speaker and researcher with Answers in Genesis.

Author, lecturer and founder of 'Understand The Times International'. Roger has appeared on a variety of documentaries and has lectured around the world for over 25 years on the subject of origins.

Prof. Andy McIntosh is a visiting research professor in Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory. He is a Fellow of the IMA, the Institute of Energy, the Institute of Physics and the RASA chartered mathematician and engineer, and author of over 180 papers and articles.

Prof. Faulkner is a member of the Creation Research Society and also serves as the editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. He has written more than a 100 papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals, and is author of Universe by Design and ‘The New Astronomy Book’.

In ministry with Bethel Communications and presenter producer with Global Vision TV, Deborah is a broadcaster who has worked in the media most of her life. With a ‘new age’ background, she has been sounding the alarm and warning about error, apostasy and occult practices in the church for over 30 years. Deborah speaks at conferences, seminars and also teaches Biblical discipleship to women around the world.

Dr. Iskander is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Nagy has presently been devoting his time to the education of Biblical creation & Science, he has presented TV programs – Creation Answers and Creation under the Microscope and the Beginnings.

Dr. Paul Lawrence studied Akkadian, Hebrew and Near Eastern archaeology at the University of Liverpool. He is currently working on Bible translations for SIL International and is the author of The Books of Moses Revisited and The Lions Guide to Bible History.

Dr Peter Williams is a Research Fellow in the Old Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge. Formally an affiliated Lecturer in Hebrew and Aramaic, at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge. Current projects are the early translations of the Bible and Codex Climaci Rescriptus.

With a degree in Environmental Sciences (Emphasis on Geology and Biology) Paul Garner is a fellow of the Geological Society of London and a professional member of the Geological Society of America. Paul was also senior information scientist for a Cambridge-based company and employed as a researcher and lecturer.

Steve Ham served as Senior Director of Outreach for Answers in Genesis. Author of many books such as In God We Trust, Why Biblical Authority Matters for Every Believer and Answers for Life. Steve’s heart for the gospel is a prominent feature in his presentations of creation apologetics.

Prof Siam Bhayro is Assoc. Professor in Early Jewish Studies at Dept of Theology & Religion, Univ of Exeter. Graduating from University College London with a first-class degree (Hons) in Hebrew, he later gained a PhD from there. Before assuming his position in Exeter, he worked as a researcher at Cambridge and Sheffield and taught at UCL and Yale.

Professor Stephen Taylor specialist interests are in nanotechnology, electromagnetics and mass spectrometry. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and also of the IEE, and has published over 280 papers in the open scientific literature.

Chris Lawson has been actively involved in Christian ministry and church. Chris Lawson is a researcher/lecturer and is both an experienced missionary and an ordained pastor. As such, he has spent much time as a researcher, writer and counsellor, helping people escape the clutches of spiritual deception.

Having completed his PhD in machine design, Professor Stuart Burgess worked for the European Space Agency working on the ENVISAT (world's largest civilian earth observation satellite), the solar array deployment mechanism and invented a new type of gearbox (double action worm). He is currently at Bristol University working in the area of design optimisation of mechanical and biomechanical systems.

Director of Research for Answers in Genesis, Dr. Andrew Snelling worked for several years in the mining industry throughout Australia undertaking mineral exploration surveys and field research. He has also been a consultant research geologist for more than a decade to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

With a PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology from Harvard University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson is a research biologist with AiG and formerly with the Institute for Creation Research. He is also a speaker at the Creation Museum and a contributor to the exhibit content for the Ark Encounter located in Kentucky.
Receiving her PhD in molecular genetics from Ohio State University, Dr. Georgia Purdom is a teacher, speaker author and researcher. Professional accomplishments include gaining a variety of honor awards and research presentations. Also, for six years Dr Purdom taught at Mt. Vernon Nazarene University as Assoc Professor of Biology.

Gaining his MD at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (USA), Dr. Tommy Mitchell's expertise was in the field of medicine, science and authored numerous books on subjects as human anatomy, death, life & suffering, stem cells and cloning, evolution and a series specifically for teens. Sadly, Dr Mitchell passed away in September of 2019. For further info on his life and achievements click here.
Former professor at Washington University School of Medicine (USA), Dr. David Menton is a biologist, anatomist, speaker, author, researcher and lectures throughout the US and Canada. He also worked as Biomedical Research Technician in the Department of Dermatology at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and went to be with The Lord he served faithfully in Dec 2021.

MD of Studio Scotland film Production Company. Stewart has been researching Biblical topics since the 1980’s. TV and Cinema productions include The Daniel Project and The Daniel Connection. The Lamplight Project is the latest production.
Dr Anton Bosch is a scholar, author and teacher who has invested his life to the training of Christian disciples in order to serve within the Church (the body of Christ), encouraging local church leadership to apply biblical principles in church administration and ministries.

With a geology degree from the University of Queensland John Mackay spent many years as a science teacher and lecturer in geology and became the International Director of Creation Research. One of the founders of Creation Science Foundation, John later established Creation Research while presenting evidence for rapid coal formation and Noah's Flood.
Having entered university at only 16 and having recently achieved his master's in Earth sciences, Joseph Hubbard has consistently demonstrated his passion for geology, palaeontology, archaeology, zoology and dinosaurs. Affectionately known as Indiana Joe, he has his own fossil museum and is no stranger to public speaking and debating. He also leads field trips for Creation Research while providing evidence for the biblical history of the world.

Dr Diane Eager has a background in medicine and was a lecturer in biomedical sciences at University of Canberra, Australia. Now working for Creation Research, she writes and does background research for publications and DVDs as well as giving presentations.