Build a Model Railway

“A superb, high-quality production full of excellent hints and tips that takes the modeller on a wonderful journey through their new miniature world.”

(Taken from the Feb 2020 issue)
"This is a very professional production, with a helpful and easy-going style of presentation, although quite briskly paced, structured with a series of chapters. By necessity, the treatment of the journey from start to finish is quite generic but, for the first-time modellers, this is probably just about right, and hints and tips on how to learn more are given on the way... All in all, a very slick production with high production values, and one that will certainly help and encourage someone to embark on their first layout build." For the full review see our News Page.

“I enjoyed viewing the film and can confirm that I was suitably impressed. The whole production had clearly been well thought out and the presentation is professional throughout”.

"Build a Model Railway is exactly what anyone starting out needs! It is a really comprehensive guide for the budding model railway hobbyist, delving in to everything from electrics to track layout, tunnels to accessorising. This impressive DVD will take you on a modelling journey, guaranteeing a spectacular model railway layout to be proud of. A must have!"
"…..Following the success of Building a Model Railway Part 1, this impressive DVD elevates you to another level with your modelling skills, looking at details such as weathering, lighting, and sound to help create a layout to be proud of. Another must have DVD!”

"Building a Model Railway is the perfect addition if you’re just starting off in the hobby. It covers every topic in detail and allows everyone to participate in the hobby. Pushing your skills with the use of this DVD will produce a layout you can certainly be proud of. Give it a go!"
“Part 1 of Building a Model Railway gives an introduction to building a layout. Part 2 builds on that knowledge to further enhance your layout and really bring your model to life.”

"DCC Concepts are proud to have been involved in the production of this exciting project - we have been impressed with Studio Scotland's work and look forward to being part of the next instalment!"
"Building a Model Railway No 2 is a superb video, with a wealth of information and ideas. Congratulations on a great production! We look forward to being involved in No 3!"
Model Railway Clubs

“Very enjoyable, informative and helpful. Builds on the topics shown in the previous videos. It was fascinating to see what can be achieved both indoors and in a garden. The experience of learning from other modellers in a club environment, whatever the scale, was clearly demonstrated”. (Part 3)

"Not only does this excellent production celebrate the modellers, but also amplifies the joy and fun of the hobby and the importance of joining a club, sharing the knowledge and camaraderie of like-minded folks" (Part 3)
“I watched the DVD "Building a Model Railway" twice on receiving it and was captivated by the authenticity of this very exciting and worthwhile project. There is a fine degree of detail and an excellent step-by-step approach on how this can be achieved oneself. It made me long to go back to my hobby of by- gone years!
However, I have been privileged to visit the actual film set and it was an exciting experience to view track, buildings and trains in a life-like layout. I thoroughly recommend the DVD "Building a Model Railway" to enhance one's skills at every level.”
John G (Fife UK)
“What a delightful and informative film this is. Having little knowledge of what is required to design and build a railway layout in miniature, I found it fascinating and absorbing, besides being surprisingly educational and interesting to watch. I got a glimpse into a world I know little of and was left with a greater appreciation of what is for many, a deeply enjoyable and creative pastime. A must for those who are seeking to develop and learn about this interesting hobby.”
Shona P (Stirling UK)
“My 10 year old son and I spent a most enjoyable couple of hours watching it through twice. I thought it was very professionally produced; lighting, sound and camera work were all exceptional and the narration was excellent, being both clear and easy to follow. A huge amount of content was covered over the hour and gave the viewer a real taste of the hobby and its infinite possibilities. Keep up the great work and we look forward to your future releases”.
Mark (Preston UK)
"Watched this from beginning to end with no interruptions. Loved it! Found it really informative and interesting. The only disappointment was when it ended!! Also learned a bit more, and was left feeling like I wanted to watch another one. Well done.”
Big John Bowman (on Part 3)