Global Vision Channel Descriptions
1-Weekend Show 2-Lamplight Fellowship 3-Discipleship Checklist 4-Crown of Life 5-Shepherds Corner 6-Apologetics 7-Archaeology 8-Dinosaurs
9-Creation or Evolution 10-Science 11-Genetics 12-Geology 13-Astronomy 14-End Times 15-Faith Groups 16-Angels & UFOs 17-Spiritual Deception
18-The Bible 19-Parables 20-Jewish Feasts 21-Ethics 22-The Daniel Project 23-The Daniel Connection 24-Jesus Film 25-Focus on Israel

Ch6: Apologetics
Apologetics (the defence of the Judaeo-Christian faith) comes from the Greek word apologia, meaning a 'reasoned defence'. "But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer [apologia] to everyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience." 1 Peter 3:15-16.
These videos have been created through research, investigation and the discovery of fact and evidence with top international speakers.